"I can't believe you forgive him just because he's helping you now!" 30 years of Lisa Simpson's environmental activism Lisa the Vegetarian. A pig flies past. "It's lamb, it's not from a lamb..." Homer sighed. “Eeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuughh!”. NOW SHUT UUUUP!” Homer screamed. Celebrating “Lisa the Vegetarian,” the Simpsons Episode That Changed the Image of Vegetarians on TV. Find the exact moment … “It’s a theme park for babies...” Bart sighed. During ‘Lisa the Vegetarian’, Paul says, “If you play ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’ backwards, you’ll hear a recipe for a really ripping lentil soup.” The song is played during the closing credits, and Paul’s reading of the recipe can be heard if the sound is played backwards. I can't believe … "Well, I don't really want to make a big deal about it..." Lisa twiddled her fingers. “Lisa the Vegetarian” is one of the all time classic Simpsons episodes, with memorable lines like “Bovine University” and a message that has stuck with Lisa for decades.It begins with a visit to Storybook Village, a great spoof of cheap theme parks. Are we there yet? “Quiet boy. In the episode "Lisa the Vegetarian," Paul McCartney made a guest appearance, along with his wife, Linda. “Why thank you dear! Those pork chops you did last night Marge! “Are we there yet? Marge explained as they walked home. Lisa The Vegetarian (3 of 3)S07E05"Lisa the Vegetarian" is the fifth episode in the seventh season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. "Two independent thought alarms today! “Lisa the Vegetarian” is one of the all time classic Simpsons episodes, with memorable lines like “Bovine University” and a message that has stuck with Lisa for decades.It begins with a visit to Storybook Village, a great spoof of cheap theme parks. "Here you go! AKA: The Simpsons, Сiмпсони, Al shamshoon, Familja Simpson, Les Simpson That'll be 50 cents please!" And I'll only invite who I want!" The Simpsons then go to the petting zoo. “I warned you that chalk was the work of Lucifer! I'm gonna be sick!" If you play it backwards it is a recipe of Lentil soup read by Paul McCartney.At the end of the Lentil soup recipe, Paul McCartney adds, "By the way, I'm alive." “Lisa the Vegetarian” is the fifth episode of the seventh season of The Simpsons. The whole episode, ‘Lisa The Vegetarian’, is a classic, as Lisa wrestles with being vegetarian amongst a family of pork chop devourers. They hugged. It was 180 degrees in the car and the radio was lousy!' Indeed, as "Maybe I'm Amazed" plays over the credits, you can hear Paul speaking backwards. "Dia bom diddly, senor!" “Lisa the Vegetarian” is the fifth episode in the seventh season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. NOW SHUT UUUUP!” Homer screamed. You're having a party?!" !” Lisa yelled. Please! Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Bart! In the episode, Lisa decides to stop eating meat after bonding with a lamb at a petting zoo. Apu explained. You will make something vegetarian for Lisa and anyone else who can't eat meat or there'll be no barbecue!" There is a background voice on the song that does not appear on the record. Lisa said in a knowitall voice. “Oh he blows alright. During ‘Lisa the Vegetarian’, Paul says, “If you play ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’ backwards, you’ll hear a recipe for a really ripping lentil soup.” The song is played during the closing credits, and Paul’s reading of the recipe can be heard if the sound is played backwards. In the episode, Lisa decides to stop eating meat after bonding with a lamb at a petting zoo. Lee Carvallo: Welcome to Lee Carvallo’s Putting Challenge. However Maggie reveals she was hiding in the goat's fur and reunites with Marge. She whispers to him. The Simpsons go to a fairytale themed park and petting zoo because Maggie gets to choose … With the help of Apu as well as Paul and Linda McCartney, she commits to vegetarianism. But it turns out being a vegetarian in Springfield is super hard, as she finds out when she goes to school the next day. "Lisa the Vegetarian" is the fifth episode of The Simpsons ' seventh season. Are we there yet?” said the Simpsons kids repeatedly. Her schoolmates and family members ridicule her for her beliefs, but with the help of Apu, Paul … "Why yes!" Her schoolmates and family members ridicule her for her beliefs, but with the help … In the episode, Lisa decides to stop eating meat after bonding with a lamb at a petting zoo. Happy 20th Anniversary to “Lisa the Vegetarian”! "Ok sweetie, no more meat for you." Go to your room!” Homer yelled. "You're really pushing it, baby..." he says with gritted teeth. Lisa the Vegetarian Written by David S. Cohen Directed by Mark Kirkland ===== Production code: 3F03 Original airdate in N.A. “Marge tell Bart I’m just having a glass of syrup like I do every morning...” said Homer. The scene cuts to Yami Bakura brutally tearing apart a rare, bloody steak in the restaurant lounge on Kaiba's blimp. “Lisa pass your dad the syrup...” Marge sighed. I just can't eat any animal! "No." The animals in the petting zoo are tired and Bart’s trick to sneak onto a boring kiddie train backfires hilariously. “That’s it! Did you know if you play one of my songs backwards it has a hidden recipe for a good lentil soup?" "I don't know! or through some clichéd reference but as a … “NO! "Lisa the Vegetarian" is the fifth episode of the seventh season of the American television series The Simpsons. Paul and wife Linda pop up to help Lisa become a vegetarian, and would only agree to be in the show if Lisa remained veggie for the whole run of the series. Bart asks for another burger. From Wikipedia: In the episode, Lisa decides to stop eating meat after bonding with a lamb at a petting zoo. During ‘Lisa the Vegetarian’, Paul says, “If you play ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’ backwards, you’ll hear a recipe for a really ripping lentil soup.” The song is played during the closing credits, and Paul’s reading of the recipe can be heard if the sound is played backwards. I can’t stay in this house with this prehistoric carnivore!” Lisa yelled storming off from breakfast. You might say the secret ingredient is salt...” said Marge giggling. : 15-Oct-95 Capsule revision E, 22-Feb-97 Title sequence Blackboard :- The boys room is not a water park. "That's it! There's also something during the end credits of Lisa The Vegetarian, but that didn't stop them. “A hehehehe!” Hibbert chuckled and ate it. "Well your friends didn't have to humiliate me about my vegetarianism! I haven't had such an embarrassing meal since I had a steak dinner with Yami Bakura..." Oscar sighed. “Where are we going again?” Grampa asked. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 15, 1995. Back at the family restaurant, Moe loses his temper and swears at a child, resulting in him losing his customers and converting back to his tavern. All 3 songs featured in The Simpsons season 7 episode 5: Lisa the Vegetarian, with scene descriptions. However at breakfast Homer was refusing to speak to Lisa. Marge asked. He blows...” Bart sighed. In 1995, David Mirkin, the former showrunner for The Simpsons, aired something on TV that was extremely progressive for its time: He showed a character’s conversion to vegetarianism. Lisa the Vegetarian is the fifth episode of the seventh season of The Simpsons. One day in the garden, Homer can hear a party in Flanders's garden. Soon they head home and have dinner and have lamb chops. Are we there yet? They then each pet the animals until Mother Goose/The park speaker announces their car has been broken into. Apu explained. Then they admire the cute sheep. Bart yelled. Lisa leaves the Kwik-e mart and bumps into Marge. "Flip me another burger Dad!" The burger lands on her face. "D'oh!". “Oh don’t tell me you’re vegetarian...” Janey teased him. "Lisa no! Bart rudely bites into his pork chop. Look how high it's going!" Skinner gasps. Her sc She apologizes to Homer, admitting she had no right to ruin his barbecue; he forgives her and offers her a "veggie back" ride home. "Are you gonna marry a carrot?" "Everyone is making fun of me. Aired 25 years ago - Oct 15, 1995. "Homer! “Are we there yet? "Ooooo!" Growing up, I remember that one of the few–if only–positive portrayals of a vegetarian in mainstream media was Lisa Simpson from The Simpsons.The change in her diet occurred on on the fifth episode of the seventh season, which aired on October 15, 1995. “This is where the wolf tries to blow down the house!” said Marge. I have a feeling something bad is about to go down...” said Homer. NEXT: The Simpsons: 10 Classic Moments In 'Mother Simpson' "Lis, if you don't they'll think they can continue to to make fun of you! Lisa pulls on his arm to get him to leave it and follow her home. Apu opens the door to the non alcoholic beer freezer, however it's a false freezer and instead is a secret staircase that goes up. Values Dissonance: "Lisa The Vegetarian" revolves around Lisa's family trying to dissuade her from being vegetarian. NEXT: The Simpsons: 10 Classic Moments In 'Mother Simpson' Does anyone know what is said if you play the end credits to Lisa the vegetarian backwards? A magical animal that produces ham, bacon and pork!" You threw away an expensive pig that cost me my monthly wages! In the episode, Lisa decides to stop eating meat after bonding with a lamb at a petting zoo. I’m a lonely, insignificant speck on a has-been planet orbited by a cold, indifferent sun! "I can't live with a prehistoric carnivore! The song is played during the episode's closing credits, and Paul's reading of the recipe can be heard if the sound is played backwards. "When pigs fly! While the festivities go on, Lisa borrows the Flanders Mower and drives away with the suckling pig. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Lisa has been a vegetarian ever since. Lisa the Vegetarian is the fifth episode in the seventh season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. "D'oh!" “Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed!” said Mama bear but her voice was garbled and Scratchy as the animatronic malfunctioned. Can I be excused?" She's not just become squeamish about meat for a laugh! “Lisa the Vegetarian” is an episode distinct from most others in that it effected a permanent change to one of the show’s central characters. Lisa cried. Is there nothing but meat on the menu?! Linda McCartney followed him from out of the ferns. "Face it Dad, it's long gone..." Bart sighed. Homer tries to get the goat to eat a can. Must be the coloured chalk!”. Skinner explained. Bart rants. He's still … … How dare you!". The voice is Paul's. Oscar explained. "Isn't that nice!" There are various meat dishes including a suckling pig. ", "Ugh! Marge calls for attention with a spoon and her wine glass. "Let's not fight ever again." I'll have my own barbecue! The episode makes several references to McCartney’s musical career, and his song ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’ plays during the closing credits. I'm vegetarian! “This barbecue will be thankless work but it will be nice to see our friends and neighbours outside of a courtroom.” said Marge. "BBBQQ?" Six celebrity guests … That's the wisest thing you've ever said!" 133: 5 "Lisa the Vegetarian" Mark Kirkland: David X. Cohen: October 15, 1995 () 3F03: 14.6: After a visit with a lamb at a petting zoo, Lisa decides to become a full vegetarian. Although Lisa does inform everyone that she made enough gazpacho for everyone, which just earns her mocking laughter, and Barney’s demand to “Go back to Russia.” So she leaves the barbeque, choosing to be in her room rather than eat the meat. "Lisa. Those are from the same animal!" Oscar retorted. "Like my dad and Bart. Marge replied. "Oh Oscar! "They can't expect us to swallow that tripe!" "Hey! “Hey Homer how about one of them you know burgers...” said Wiggum too tired to get up from his bench. “I prescribe one freshly cooked hotdog Doctor.” said Homer giving Hibbert a hotdog in a bun. Season 7 "Lisa the Vegetarian" 7x5. featured pages. At least the poor thing can rest in peace now!" Are we there yet? Marge yells. Janey asked. This site will look much better (screenshot) in a browser that supports web standards, such as Internet Explorer 5.5+ or Netscape 6+, but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device.We recommend that you upgrade at your earliest convenience. Homer apologizes for his behavior, but Lisa admits she was wrong as well. "Sounds delightful! Lisa sighed. It’s very strange that Lisa isn’t a vegetarian in the first six seasons of The Simpsons.It feels like such a fundamental part of her character, and since this is a show where very little changes, it’s almost incongruous to have her eating meat as ravenously as the rest of her family in the first six years. He was flipping burger patties. In the closing credits of the episode, Paul sings "Maybe I'm Amazed." Ralph asks. Lisa hugs him. Homer gasps. Apu explained. "Um... are you gonna keep that promise then?" "Haven't you got anything vegetarian?". Are we there yet?” said the Simpsons kids repeatedly. I’m alone! "The Simpsons" Lisa the Vegetarian subtitles. Lunch Lady Doris offers her a hotdog bun, an empty bun. Apu explained. At one point in the episode "Lisa the Vegetarian," guest star Paul McCartney claims that if one plays his song "Maybe I'm Amazed" from McCartney backwards will reveal a secret recipe for lentil soup. "You ruined a perfect barbecue! "Why right here." And you humiliated me in front of my friends!" At lunch Lisa holds up the queue to ask for a vegetarian option. I can hear something being played over the song played in the end credits in the end but can't tell what's being said. Marge puts some money to buy some, but the machine spills out all the pellets over Maggie. "Oooooh! Marge scruffles his hair. Marge apologised to Bart. Mr Burns is in his office discussing the odds of him giving to charity. Are we there yet?” said the Simpsons kids repeatedly. "Well, I'm sorry! Guide to the Simpsons episode "Lisa the Vegetarian". The browser you are using does not support the CSS stylesheet specifications used extensively in this site's design. "There are no more worms, Ralph, just sit there and be quiet.". Marge sighed. "I'll still help you, but you won't want it!" The children all cheer. Lisa asked. In the closing credits where Paul McCartney sings "Maybe I'm Amazed" there is a background voice. In “Lisa vs Malibu Stacy”, her character had not the same innocence, and Lisa was actually similar to this Vegetarian one, but the over-the-top context of that episode makes everything work perfectly. Find all the best video clips for "Lisa the Vegetarian - The Simpsons [S07E05]" at getyarn.io Yarn is the best way to find video clips by quote. In the episode, Lisa decides to stop eating meat after bonding with a lamb at a petting zoo. In the closing credits where Paul McCartney sings "Maybe I'm Amazed" there is a background voice. Lisa gave him a 'not now!' Troy eventually shows him through the abattoir, where he is traumatised by the dying animals. Miss Hoover pushes a hidden red button. "Attention everyone!" "Then you must think I'm a monster!" "You see, Paul and Linda are vegetarian too!" I'll be in my room..." Lisa runs off crying. “The students are over stimulated! "Yes, we feel strongly about animal rights. When she lashes out and ruins Homer's barbecue, she learns a lesson in tolerance. "Oh thanks Oscar... Do you like conflict or something?" The following cars have been broken into-- Shut up! "For once..." Bart remarks glaring at Oscar. Summary: After a trip to a petting zoo, Lisa finds herself unable to eat lamb exposing her to ridicule and resentment from her father and friends. "Lisa the Vegetarian" is the fifth episode in the seventh season of the American animated television series The Simpsons. Homer yelled. Don't eat like that!" It first aired in the US in October, 1995. You're not allowed to be angry with her right now! Everyone clapped half heartedly. "When did you lose interest in this job?" Yeeeuck!" But what if a customer asks for a non alcoholic beer?" said Brazilian Flanders. 1. f1fantic1 Posts: 1,577. “You know what we should serve! "Cool! But with help from Apu and Paul and Linda McCartney, she makes an effort to stick to her new vegetarian view. Paul and Linda McCartney agreed to lend their voices to the episode “Lisa the Vegetarian” on the condition that Lisa remained a vegetarian … Not as much. "Bart!" Lisa… It then shoots out. However Bart is extremely bored by the choice and the car is cramped because Grampa was with them. In the episode, Lisa decides to stop eating meat after bonding with a lamb at a petting zoo. Lisa has been a vegetarian … I am kinda sorry I ruined the barbecue..." Lisa replied. Lisa yelled before running away. That's enough! “I’m eighty three woman!” said Abe annoyed. "Well, at least they're not shoving it in my face..." Lisa remarks. Let's go!" Crispy!” said Homer. "Let me introduce everyone! “Homer I heard that! It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 15, 1995. Paul McCartney’s “Maybe I’m Amazed” plays over the end credits as Homer’s pig is seen soaring through the air. Brazilian Flanders!". Everyone laughs and jeers at Lisa. To be fair Hinduism isn't strictly vegetarianism, mostly we can't eat cows because they're sacred, but we often choose to be vegetarian." Lisa explained. “No.” Oscar said sarcastically. “Somebody touched my Spaghett!” Papa bear made a reference to the Three Bears Spaghett meme. "Upsetting my parents and getting me a criminal record isn't helping!" During the episode "Lisa the Vegetarian", Paul McCartney (speaking as his character self) says, "If you play 'Maybe I'm Amazed' backwards, you'll hear a recipe for a really ripping lentil soup." And secondly you’re not not talking to me...” said Marge. Lisa's Solo:- None due to shortened intro. “Grrrrrrrr! “Diagnosis: Delicious!”. It's the sort-of Beatles-style backwards talking at times. Don't worry sweetie, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at your father. Summary: After a trip to a petting zoo, Lisa finds herself unable to eat lamb exposing her to ridicule and resentment from her father and friends. Homer asked. For the episode “Lisa the Vegetarian,” Paul and the late Linda McCartney--both staunch vegetarians at the time—agreed to do a guest appearance if Lisa Simpson remained meat-free for the rest of the series. "I'm sure they'll come round." It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 15, 1995. They arrived. “Old Mother Goose’s Fairytale village.” said Marge. Ned asked. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 15, 1995. "Bart! At the barbecue all of Homer's friends come including Doctor Hibbert. Lisa the Vegetarian The Simpsons go to a petting zoo at Old Mother Goose's fairytale park, but Lisa finds a really cute lamb that she can no longer eat meat! However Lisa can't eat hers as it reminds her of the lamb at the petting zoo. By Charlie Sweatpants 6 Comments. “In fact, if you play ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’ backwards, you’ll hear a recipe for a really ripping lentil soup!” – Paul McCartney We’ve got a whale of a Reading Digest this week, including two elaborate links to music from before rock achieved perfection in 1974 and two people making food from the show, out of this world space age moon waffles and little meat loaf men. Lisa The Vegetarian (season 7, episode 5) Fox In exchange for appearing on the show, Paul and Linda McCartney made it a condition that Lisa would remain a vegetarian … "Now here's a free plate of tripe!" Eventually at the Kwik-e mart she gives in and eats a hotdog. Lisa gasped. It's lamb!" Ned replied. Being vegetarian is slightly less of a big deal in modern America than it was back in 1995, though her parents' conservative attitude still leave room for the plot to occur. 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