Steggies van die plant is na Europa vervoer en waargeneem deur bekende botaniste soos Thomas Pringle en Carl Linnaeus. 3. Leaf drop: this occurs from over watering. Sedert die koms van die Hollanders in die Kaap, het jagters wat op soek was na olifante, onmiddelik die spekboom en die wye gebied wat dit bedek het, opgemerk. Welcome to the Spekboom Propagation Network! How to take Jade plant cuttings and simple way to root plants from cuttings of Portulacaria Afra, Jade plants and ficus trees. Propagate Using leaves from the plant Na vrugval sal die Spekboom ontkiem en besit bessie-agtige deurskeinende vruggies met drie vlerkies. It’s best to use the “soak and dry” method, and allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings.Portulacaria afra needs less frequent watering during its dormancy period.. Because the leaves on Portulacaria afra are so thin, it can handle more frequent waterings than other succulents. If you haven’t already joined the Spekboom Propagation Network. We will be on approximately year 12 in this model. – Not much own its own – but the spreading of Spekboom both literal and figurative – could actually change the world. Planting a tree is about the future. Besides individuals taking part in the spekboom challenge, there are various initiatives across the country to champion the cause of planting spekboom as an environmentally friendly act. Crushed stone is added to the top soil layer to prevent the soil from drying out. Fill the pot with succulent potting mix or a mixture of equal parts coarse sand and standard potting soil. If in stock, shop for Spekboom here. The Earth's temperature is rising due to C02 emissions. RespekboomPropagationC02potential.xlsx Grown at this scale – the C02 offset from eating / used as material substitutes are all negated. This amazing plant will only need 625 litres of water and absorb 1000 kg of CO2 per annum. Select a relatively small plastic pot with a depth of at least 5 inches and several drainage holes around the bottom. Make little verticle holes into the soil. A 1-meter wide path separates 2 sub-sections from each other. It is also known as Elephant Bush, Dwarf Jade, Mini Jade, Elephant food, Chinese Jade Plant, Pork Bush, Rainbow Bush, Rainboe Elephant Bush, Spekboom (Afrikaans for bacon tree), miniature jade or small leaf jade (but not related to Crassula ovata … After about two weeks or so, you will notice new roots growing. Starting at 5 plants at a growth factor of 3 takes about 5 years to get to 400 plants. ander eienskappe, dit verbeter grond kwaliteit, verminder erosie en hervestig biodiversiteit in die area waar dit voorkom as gevolg van sy grondbindende en skaduwee aard. 1,472 likes. Interest today gives you maybe 4% points above inflation – this humble plant will multiply by 3 every year. Water well, and then let the soil dry out completely. Do we have enough?? Spekboom challenge. They are drought tolerant but do require watering from April to October. Resume watering sparingly once daylength increases in spring, allowing the soil to dry to a depth of an inch before … Overwatering becomes the main cause of its failure, as it robs oxygen and invites the fungal rot diseases. Half cup frozen blueberries. The low-maintenance plant can survive on as little as 250 – 350mm of water per year! (The people at The Great Labyrinth know this – and plan to do so!) Large scale propagation Our spekboom cuttings are obtained from Elands nursery, which is an established nursery situated outside Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape. Restrict watering in the winter. Give it a little water every few days and you’ll soon have a new spekboom plant of your own. Land size in millions of Hectares – can use arable land -but Spekboom can grow indoors, pots and desserts! It is subdivided into 8 sections with an area of 24.5m² (3.5m x 7m). How does 300 plants – become 150 000? In winter the plants are dormant and you may suspend watering. Die Spekboom het 'n uitsonderlike vermoe om groot hoeveelhede koolstofdioksied uit die lug… Use Makhro Root 2 for youger shoots and Seradix 2 for medium wood cuttings. In fact, it’s a good idea to let your plant dry out slightly between watering. Spekbome skiet vinnig wortels en begin amper dadelik groei as dit in die grond ingele word. Verwys na ons additionele ‘blog post’ waar ons stap-vir-stap verduidelik. 2x is no good and too slow. Tag: Propagation of spekboom Spekboom is good for: oxygen and health benefits. Pour the brine over the spekboom and cape gooseberries. Find out more here Approximately 150 000 Spekboom will be used to fit in the 250m x 250m labyrinth. While the plant is fed to elephants and other grazers, wild and domesticated, humans in South Africa consider it a delicacy. Die plant is vir medisinale redes deur setlaars en inheemse inwoners gebruik. Let the soil dry out in between watering, once roots have developed. Portulacaria afra or "Spekboom" is a succulent plant that can make a difference. Blare kan verpulp word en gebruik word vir uitslae, blase en selfs om keelseer te behandel. Dit besit sappige groen blare wat gerond of stomp gevorm is en ‘n legte van 1,3-2mm kan bereik. Looking at my personal experience. In a world that’s literally on fire – what do you want to invest your time and money in? Simply cut or break off a piece of a spekboom, let it dry out for one or two days and then stick it in the ground. The tunnel has an area of 300 m². A closer look at the data that may lead to some opportunities This little plant multiplies quickly? My sister Robyn found the  *CrazyAunts* on holiday December 2017 Made about 5 mother plants at our home and about 6 at my parent’s. That is not a typo, it’s the power of propagation. 1 litre water = approximately 1 kg. Elephant Bush Propagation. Dit word ongeveer 2,5 tot 5m lank en besitn’n stamdeursnee van min of meer 20cm afhangende van die ouderdom van die boom. The cuttings are of the highest quality and are disease free. 3. Each tray has space for 12 cuttings. Spekboomveld is baie gesog onder boere, aangesien die blare van die plant ‘n goeie bron van voedsel is vir beeste, skape en bokke en ander plaasdiere.As gevolg van oorbeweiding is groot dele van die flora verlore, maar as gevolg van die toename in wildboerdery en rehabilitasieprogramme, is die spekboom besig om homself weer te stig in sommige gebiede. In the example below (from the excel model) year 1 has 5 plants – by year 6 at a growth factor of 3 new plants per plant. The Great Labyrinth - A key propagation example of Spekboom. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. The most common mistake made in succulent plants is watering. By applying the growth factor of 3 – this labyrinth should be able to provide 450k new trees. Saturday 18th of January was a great day. Under the tunnel we have 1728 trays which gives us the capacity to propagate 20736 spekboom cuttings. I met Mandy and Peter the team behind The Great Labyrinth & Wonder Plant - they have employed innovative social schemes which involved micro loans to 5 agricultural workers. Or if you know someone with a big Spekboom please invite. Or share cuttings with your neighbours. 1 litre water = approximately 1 kg. Die blare van die plant bevat baie water en word gebruik om dehidrasie te voorkom. SHARE THIS ARTICLE: Die volgende skakel verwys na ‘n kort rolprent waar daaroor die spekboom gepraat word: The 1st volunteering day, I met a great bunch of South Africans eager to learn more about the potential of Spekboom. What about water and space? They have had success with this model with many successful partnerships along the way. Dry, shrivelled leaves signal underwatering. Okay well this all sounds VERY promising right? Report an Issue  |  I could fit 5 small ones in 1 meter^2 and the great labyrinth will have about 2.5 per meter^2. Elephant bush succulents in the home interior should not have consistently wet feet. Die Spekboom word beskou as ‘n superplant en superheld van die plantewereld aangesien dit beide brandbestand en droogte-verdraagsaam is. Best of all is the fact that spekboom is easy to propagate: simply cut or break off a piece, stick it in your garden bed or rockery, water every few days and soon enough you’ll have another one of these versatile carbon-munchers happily growing in your garden. Die Spekboom besit ook They are doing well – we have now replicated about 400 and will easily add another 700 in the next few months. Root formation will occur within 3-4 weeks. allows you to be a Spekboom carbon farmer at small or large scale. Spekboom is easily propagated, which is great news for budget gardeners. When using hormone powder, be sure to shake off the excess powder as this could clog the stomata and prevent the roots from growing. #3 It is Water-wise and Super Resilient. Cover with a plastic bag and keep in a cool, light place. Below are the main inputs into the model. 6.25 hectares. Spekboom; Elephant succulent ... As a rule of thumb, they need more water in the summer months when it’s hotter and drier as opposed to cooler winter months. Depending on the soil quality, fertilizers such as Seagro or Nitrosol can be mixed in with the soil medium. My gut answer to these questions all have one thing in common: Propagation. Over-watering of the plant will result in the fungus Powdery Mildew to form. CO2 absorption of Spekboom is estimated between 4-8 TONS per annum. Die Spekboom kan ook as ‘n bonzai gegroei word en onderhouword. Die boom floreer in areas waar daar ‘n reenval van 250mm tot 375mm per jaar val. On either side of the path are 4 sub-sections of plants. Cover the bowl and allow the mixture to cool. Realistically no single person can grow 156 Billion Spekboom plants – but what if you allow for visitors  to takecuttings from the hedge? The Perlite helps with soil aeration and drainage of water. The baby plants will be ready to … Make sure you don’t give it too much water or it will rot. Within 10 years this labyrinth could remove 3.5 million South African’s  C02 footprint indefinitely. If the plant becomes too fleshy and begins to lean over, you need to water it less. Order -Caryophyllales Wait for the top layer of soil to dry out a little before watering again to ensure you’re not overwatering the plant. This is a relatively high number for a developing country  (mostly coal dependency driven) and equates to an underwhelming statistic: This labyrinth of Spekboom  will effectively remove a small family’s C02 footprint for 200 years +/ indefinitely. The seed trays are placed on movable tables which contain drainage holes to allow for proper drainage. This model also assumes the more Spekboom you have – the more space they take. Just next year. Water will be given manually until the soil is deemed moist and not ‘soggy’. Just how quickly? *Compound interest being the 8th wonder of the world* - heard that before? These pots have a depth of 15.24 cm and have a top width of 13.61 cm. What does the Spekboom Labyrinth model look like at scale? 1 cup water. Once the soil dries out, though, be sure to water. Alhoewel die Spekboom soveel voordele inhou is dit steeds tans onwettig om dit uit die wild te oes en ‘n permit word benodig. Water thoroughly and only when the soil is dry. The pots are packed outside to allow the plants to further establish themselves and to ‘harden’. If the leaves are dropping and look plump and heavy it could be a sign of overwatering & the combination of not enough light to absorb excess water. We will plant these cuttings which are planted in Seed Tray, 4 in 1, 12 cavities. Typically, the leaves of overwatered plant discolor and swell. (This is similar to my experience from the Crazy Aunts, Adam, Eve and the unnamed eco army assembling in my garden) Consider starting at 405 plants (e.g year 5 above) it will take between 5-6 years to reach 150 000 plants (e.g. Family – Didiereaceae Each tray has space for 12… They would start small by farming and propagating Spekboom. The plants are watered by a sprinkler system every four to five days. The easiest way to propagate this succulent is to let it root in a water medium. Try changing the attached excel model yourself – we will go from offsetting 3,7 million people to only 483. Chronic ... PROPAGATION. If Spekboom lives for 200 years (indefinitely in this model) then 6.25 hectares x 4 tons of C02 per hectare per annum = The labyrinth will absorb approximately: 25 tons of C02 per year at full capacity. You will have 1215 plants with 3,5 plants per square meter. Enough to build a 250 x 250 meter labyrinth. A spekbook prefers a temperate climate, thus we do not want to produce desert conditions. We use a tunnel, which is covered by plastic sheets, to propagate, however, the sides are not covered to prevent to warm conditions. Using a mason jar or two, divide the mixture and refrigerate . What C02 potential does the Labyrinth actually have? Pick a healthy stem and cut it using sterile scissors. Our spekboom cuttings are obtained from Elands nursery, which is an established nursery situated outside Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape. READ ALSO: KZN women farmers find ways to overcome poverty and climate change . The ground under the tunnel consist mainly of gravel which helps with the drainage of water. Set the stem aside for a few days in the shade until the cut is covered with callous. Water is infrequent and scarce. Once the plantlets begin to develop, remove the plastic and feed weekly with Seagro. When preparing your soil, a mixture of a third of perlite / vermiculite can be used as this is good for aeration in the soil. We fit 216 trays into each sub-section. This is similar to what the Great Labyrinth (below) has experienced. year 11). Make sure you don’t give it too much water or it will rot. Propagation: Portulacaria propagation is a breeze - trim stems and leave to dry off for a day or two before planting the cuttings in a potting mix for cacti and succulents and wait for the plant to root. Portulacaria afra (known as elephant bush, dwarf jade plant, porkbush and spekboom in Afrikaans) is a small-leaved succulent plant found in South Africa.These succulents commonly have a reddish stem and leaves that are green, but also a variegated cultivar is often seen in cultivation. Die voortplanting van die spekboom is ‘n baie maklike proses. The most important variables for propagation: are the number of original plants you are starting with and the growth factor. To recap: How does 300 plants – become 150 000? We will plant these cuttings which are planted in Seed Tray, 4 in 1, 12 cavities. It is also an excellent soil binding plant that prevents soil erosion. This makes this plant very interesting as most ecologists will tell you water is a main input in C02 absorption. This amazing plant will only need 625 litres of water and absorb 1000 kg of CO2 per annum. Contrary to its colourful Afrikaans name, Spekboom (literally translated to ‘bacon tree’) is a lush, emerald succulent plant with juicy, round leaves and an unmistakable, lemony flavour. As carbon-neutral activists we make it easy for you start soaking back your carbon output with just a few clicks. Omdat dit ‘n geharde plant is, kan die spekboom byna oral geplant word, solank ‘n goeie dreineringstelsel beskikbaar is. These plants are quite fast-growing and will not need, but respond, to compost and water. In total we have 196m² area for plant growth with each section having 24.5 m² space for trays. As gevolg daarvan, sal die gebreekte takke op die grond val en wortels sal vorm en sodoende ‘n nuwe (gekloonde) plant produseer. is primarily around the propagation of this plant – so I am fortunate to be around people who have walked the walk. The tunnel has the following dimensions: 10 meters wide, 5 meters high and 30 meters in length. At scale bunch of South Africans eager to learn more about the potential of Spekboom is... Few months cuttings and simple way to propagate wherever they can wild te oes en ‘ n word... Shows you what a machine this plant can be treated with Efekto Funginex Protek... Drainage of water, water the soil dry out in between watering the world farming and Spekboom! Beskou as ‘ n legte van 1,3-2mm kan bereik has the following dimensions: 10 meters wide, 5 high... 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