Currently cats and ferrets do not have to be licensed. In order to purchase a three-year dog license, your pet's vaccination expiry date must co-inside with the date of the dog license. Licensing and control of dogs; hunting dogs; female dogs in heat; straying dogs Citation: MI ST 287.262 Citation: M. C. L. A. Make an appointment to stop by our office or one of our authorized Licensing Locations. For example, in the year 2021 a three-year dog license will have a year of 2023 (three years out). Michigan State Law requires that all dogs over four (4) months old be licensed. To obtain a dog license, you will need to provide proof of current rabies vaccination and proof of spaying/neutering (if applicable) at the time you purchase the license. Shakespeare has been adopted, but there are many other dogs are available for adoption! The price for the license is half the normal price. This means you have a 6 month window to make sure the dog is up to date on all shots and vaccines and registered with the Michigan County where you and the dog live. A certificate of sterilization is also required if the information is not stated on the rabies certificate or is incorrect. Dogs are required to be licensed every year by Michigan State Law. A dog license helps to get your dog home safe if they become lost. Correlation ID: 11f99e9f-28fa-20fb-205e-6e7f7ec9f33c. Huron County Dog Licensing. Licensing provides good pet identification, ensures dogs are vaccinated for rabies, and proves you are its owner. *Provides proof that the dog legally belongs to you. Dog Licenses License Fees. Michigan Chapter 287. Grand Traverse County uses 100% of revenue generated thru dog licenses to provide Animal Control Services to residents. To obtain a $7.50 license you must submit proof that your dog is surgically sterilized. Michigan also strict licensing laws when it comes to dogs. Read more at the Michigan Legislature website. Offices Closed for Unscheduled Public Access, Grand Traverse County Dog License Application. Licenses can be purchased at the Animal Control Office. Payment-Checks made payable to: "G.T. Date and Time: 1/7/2021 10:08:44 AM Dog licensing provides funding for animal control in Kent County. Please reference your phone number on your check so we may contact you if we have questions on your renewal. Do I have to renew my license each year? Certified guide or leader dog for a blind person, a hearing dog for a deaf or audibly impaired person, or a service dog for a physically limited person. 2. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Please provide additional contacts, along with phone numbers, so we can get in contact with you in the event your primary number does not work, or is not answered. Yes No . Salary Information in Michigan. 3 yr Senior Citizen $10.00 Delinquent fee: $30.00. HOW ? ***A bat from Grand Traverse County tested positive for rabies, the county health department announced Thursday, August, 13th, 2020, advising local residents to make sure their pets were vaccinated for rabies. Within the City of Michigan City it is mandatory that dog and cat owners have their pets licensed. When the rabies expires is the deciding factor in determing whether you can purchase a 1 year or a 3 year license; this is because we can only license the dog up through the end of the month that the rabies expires. Michigan Law requires dogs over 4 months of age, newly purchased/ acquired, or are just becoming Michigan residents obtain a Michigan Dog License. Charlevoix County offers 1 & 3 year licenses. Kennel Licensing Payment must be made with a credit card. Dog owners needing to renew their dog's license will receive a pre-printed application by mail thirty days before the next rabies vaccine expiration month. Licenses must be renewed each year and must be displayed on the animal at all times. Dog Law of 1919. Any person owning, possessing or harboring a dog six months or older, MUST obtain a new license. Dog License Purchase or Renewal; Pay Tickets/Monies Owed; Check on my Jury Duty; Donate to the County Foundation; Lookup Court Records, Schedules or Pay Fees ; Obtain a Veterans ID Card; Order a Death, or Marriage Certificate; Search Deeds; Search Properties; Schedule a L.E.T.S. What Is The Law For Dog Licensing in Michigan? A dog license can be purchased at the Hartland Township Office or the Livingston County Treasurer’s Office located at 200 E. Grand River Ave. Howell, MI 48843. County Treasurer". Animal Related Licensing For MDARD Licensing Information, Call 1-800-292-3939 The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development offers a variety of license and registration plans to suit the needs of Michigan businesses while protecting the interests of the people of Michigan. Bus; Do Business with the County; FOIA; Employees. City of Novi, 45175 Ten Mile Road, Novi, Michigan 48375, PH: 248-347-0460 Regular Business Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm (After hour emergencies, including water/sewer, … Dog Licensing. Please bring your current/valid rabies certificate. Our goal is to get your pet back to you A.S.A.P. Fill out the application. If you prefer to mail or drop off your application a printable application (PDF)is available. Dogs must be licensed within 30 days of obtaining ownership or within 30 days of the dog turning 4 months of age. Animal Industry. Michigan State Law requires all dogs to be rabies vaccinated and licensed at four (4) months of age. *It ensures that your dog is vaccinated against rabies. The Treasurers staff is available M-F from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm, except for holidays via phone and email, to support the citizens of Grand Traverse County during this public health emergency. $10 – Michigan dog license BEFORE MARCH 1st (spayed or neutered or AKC/UKC registered) $20 – Michigan dog license BEFORE MARCH 1st (intact dog) $15 – Michigan dog license AFTER MARCH 1st (spayed or neutered or AKC/UKC registered) $25 – Michigan dog license AFTER MARCH 1st (intact dog) *Michigan Dog Licenses are due BEFORE MARCH 1st each year. Central Dispatch has 24 hour access to the database, ensuring that you (or a contact) can be reached. We ask that you respect our most vulnerable citizens and allow them the preference of appointments from 8:00 am - 10:00 am. Have you licensed a dog in this county before? Dog License Fees . After February 28 th (29 th if a leap year), delinquent licenses must be purchased from the County Treasurer, TWP Treasurer or City Treasurer, Berrien County Animal Control, or online. If you think you have changed your e-mail, contact the shelter and it can be updated. Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. By State Statute, this information must be provided EVERY time you renew your dog license. Dog License Application A dog is required to be licensed from 4 months of age. The State of Michigan requires by law that all dogs age four months and older must be licensed. It's your ticket back home. When does my dog license expire?
Dog Licenses are required by law for all dogs over four months of age. The Animal Control Shelter is located at 911 S. Raisinville Rd, behind the Monroe County Fairgrounds. Include a current rabies certificate & proof of spaying or neutering, if applicable, which will be returned to you. Dog License Fees: Neutered $10.00; Not Neutered $15.00 What You Need for A Dog License. It's the responsible thing to do. Please visit, 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All Ottawa County residents who own a dog(s) that are four (4) months old or older must have a current Ottawa County dog license. If your dog has been given a three-year rabies vaccine, you will still need to renew your license yearly. Likewise if you have moved and did not notify the shelter, please call and we can help. Licensing protects our community by ensuring dogs are vaccinated against rabies. We can assist getting you a free replacement! New: 1 and 3-year Licensing for 2020! **********Dog Licensing. You do not need the renewal forms to get the new license. You can do this by sending a Veterinarian's Certificate of Sterilization. Licenses are available for purchase November 1- February 28. 1 yr sexed $25.00 Delinquent fee: $50.00 The County Treasurer's office will send reminder postcards 60 days prior to the rabies expiration date.
Building Department: 231-995-6044, County Clerk: 231-922-4760
Ferrets must be vaccinated for rabies and we encourage owners to vaccinate their cats against rabies, due to roaming and being susceptible to rabies. In order to be licensed, the dog has to have a valid Rabies Vaccination in our records, if the Rabies has been updated since last year's license, the certificate will need to be presented at the counter or a copy must be enclosed if mailing it in. Pro-rated licenses.A "pro-rated" license may be obtained after July 10th of the calendar year if the dog just turned 4 months old, you have owned it 30 days or less, or you just moved into Michigan. If you wished to purchase a three-year dog license in 2021, then your dog's rabies vaccination expiration date must run through 2023. Dogs just becoming a Michigan resident. Licenses are available through the mail. How much does it cost to license a dog in Michigan. Required Information to purchase a dog license: Copies of proof of rabies vaccination from your veterinarian. Michigan Leash Law. Kalamazoo County license tags are sold to Kalamazoo County residents only. The same goes if your dog was spayed or neutered since then. Dog Grooming; Dog Personalities and Behavior; Cat Grooming; Business Practices; Completing your program will be followed by some exams. One year dog licenses expire on the last day of the month of the dog's current rabies vaccination every year. Information: 231-922-4700
A receipt and tag will be mailed to you. Licenses are available for purchase November 1 through February 28 (February 29, if a leap year). It's your pet's ticket back home. New licenses must be purchased within thirty days in order to qualify. NEUTERED/SPAYED DOGS. First Time License Purchases Residents except those who reside in the year 2021 a three-year dog license Fees three-year license Delinquent... Must have both a current rabies vaccination every year by Michigan State Law be. Months old or over must have both a current rabies certificate along with your payment part! Arbor or Ypsilanti Township to a fine legible please contact our office or one our... Neutered $ 15.00 Delinquent fee: $ 30.00 license each year at the City limits must obtain a format... A collar and license at the City 's office tags for service dogs can only be purchased at City! Worn by the dog license helps to get your dog home safe if become! 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