Phytochemical screening and hepatoprotective activity of Celosia argentea Linn. - In the Philippines, seeds, finely powdered or in decoction, used for diarrhea or as an aphrodisiac. (14) You have entered an incorrect email address! - In the Philippines, eaten as vegetable, but not given to women during menstruation. This is a list of common fish names.While some common names refer to a single species or family, others have been used for a confusing variety of types; the articles listed here should explain the possibilities if the name is ambiguous. Results indicated anti-hyperglycemia and antioxidative protective effect of C. argentea leaves. - Used in the treatment of headaches, ulcers, dysmenorrhea, ulcers, eye inflammation. Plant also useful for asthma and bronchitis. (8) Hypoglycemics: By increasing blood sugar, cocoa might decrease the effectiveness of some antidiabetic medications. MECC also showed involvement of cGMP pathway in its antinociceptive action. Amalesh. • Cytogenotoxic / Nutrient Composition: In a study of three commonly consumed vegetables in South-Western Nigeria, an aqueous extract of Celosia argentea yielded carbohydrate of 31.41%, protein 30.79%, ash 19.98%, and fat 0.22%. Reply. Shabuj Pui shak Indian Spinach (green) Basella alba Throughout the year 47. We will use the spelling “Palong” on this website as this is the word that is normally used in Thailand. extract from Celosia argentea seeds / Hayakawa Y et al / Biol Pharm Bull. Results showed antiurolithiatic activity, more efficacious at dose of 500 mg kbw. Free Shipping by Amazon. (4) Sources and Suggested Readings (2) Clozapine: Caffeine in cocoa may decrease the rate of break down of clozapine. Chemical Stability and Colorant Properties of Betaxanthin Pigments from Celosia argentea / Yizhong Cai et al / J. Agric. Palong shaak or Spinach leaves (4 cups chopped)2. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. ⢠Modulates Glucose Homeostasis / Abates Oxidative Hepatic Injury / Leaves: Study evaluated the effect of a methanolic extract of C. argentea var. Betalains of Celosia argentea. (35) Welcome to the world of fishes! - In Antilles, decoction of flowers used for phthisis. Lal shak. Some compilations consider Celosia "red velvet" as belonging to the Cristata group of cultivars, with flower heads in a variety of shapes and colors. Anti-diabetic activity of Celosia argentea root in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats / Santosh Ghule, T Prakash, D Kotresha, Roopa Karki, V Surendra, Divakar Goli / Int J Green Pharm 2010;4:206-11 - Studies have shown antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, phytoremediative, anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal, wound healing, anthelmintic, analgesic, anti-trichomonas, hepatoprotective, anticancer, antiurolithiatic properties. You are here. • Impact on Adipogenesis of Native Human CD34+/CD31- Cells: Study evaluated the in vitro capacity of C. cristata extract to impact the adipogenic potential of native human adipose tissue progenitor cells, i.e., commitment and differentiation towards adipogenic lineage. - Madugga tribes of South India use the flowers and seeds crushed in water for cough and diarrhea. Stop the drug 24 hours before the stress test. Three common forms of celosia belong to only two different species: Celosia argentea (C. cristata L.) and Celosia spicata. It showed concentration dependent mitotic inhibitory effect on mitosis of A. cepa, an indication of cytotoxicity. August 19, 2011 at 10:36 pm. The scientific genus name Carcharodon literally means "jagged tooth", a reference to the large serrations that appear in the shark's teeth. Type in full name and select the appropriate … Impact of Celosia cristata Extract on Adipogenesis of Native Human CD34+/CD31â Cells / Richard Fitoussi, David Estève, Anne-Sophie Delassus, Katell Vié / Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications, 2013, 3, 55-63 / Results showed a salutary action of the extract on wound healing which may be due to mitogenic and motogenic promotion of dermal fibroblasts. See plastic surgeons near you. Medicinal uses of plants by tribal medicine men of Nandurbar district in Maharashtra / H M Patil and VV Bhaskar* / Explorer: Research Article, March-April 2006; 5(2) CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. (35) A novel hepatoprotective saponin from Celosia cristata L. / Yan Wang, Ziyang Lou, Qing-Bin Wu, Meil-Li guo / Fitoterapia, Vol 81, Issue 8, December 2010, Pages 1246-1252 / doi:10.1016/j.fitote.2010.08.011 FRENCH: Celosie, Celosie argentee, Crete de coq. • Anti-Diarrheal / Leaves: Study of the alcoholic extract of leaves of Celosia argentea showed dose-related anti-diarrheal effect. alu palong shak recipes from the best food bloggers. - In Mexico, considered antiscorbutic and antiblennorrhagic. The suffix -odon is a romanization of ὀδών (odṓn), a which translates to "tooth". It is erroneous to assume that all sharks are large predators. (31) Inflorescence in male plants elongated and spike-like, in female palnts an axillary cluster. In 1809, Constantine Rafinesque gave the shortfin mako the scientific name Isurus oxyrinchus (isurus means "the same tail", oxyrinchus means "pointy snout"). View the profiles of people named Palong Shak. Distribution Decoction used roots used for cough and dysentery.. It is a popular leafy vegetable. - Kroo people mix the ashes of burnt plant with water to smear on the body for craw-craw, scabies, etc. No matching entries found in World Checklist; Bibliographies. Amaranthus huttonii H.J.Veitch: Pandong-pandongan (Bis.) The mortality rate of T. vaginalis increased with prolonged drug action and increased concentration of the drug. Further studies are suggested before using it it as minor cereals. • Antiurolithiatic Activity / Seeds: Study evaluated the antiurolithiatic activity of an ethanolic extract of CA seeds. Chloroform extract showed no significant activity. PDF | Leafy vegetables in Chapai Nawabganj district of Bangladesh was studied from January to December 2019. The antinociceptive effect was significantly reversed by naloxone and glibenclamide, suggesting opioid and ATP-sensitive K+ channel system involvement. (30) Results showed reduction of blood sugar together with reduction in cholesterol, triglycerides and urea, with restoration of decreased level of proteins and liver glycogen. Res. Heat the oil in a skill over medium-high. Juice of seeds forced into nostrils for nosebleeds. Seeds in Rats. Please note that all the rights for the photographs, text on this blog belongs to the author. (43) - In Chinese medicine, used to arrest bleeding leukorrhea and diarrhea. • Antioxidant / Phytoremediation: Study of antioxidant compounds of a methanolic extract and solvent fractions of flowers showed the total polyphenol, flavonoids, and tannins contents were 6.80, 2.34, and 6.23 mg/g extract residue, respectively. 63, no3, pp. Random Generator; Random Dungeon … (12) Study isolated a flavonoid fraction from Celosia argentea. Mineral composition (mg/100g) showed calcium 178.08±0.05, chromium 1.98±0.01, copper 3.75±0.30, iron 15.25±0.23, lead 0.83±0.01, magnesium 39.64±0.08, manganese 1.73±0.04, nickel 1.03±0.04, phosphorus 38.41±0.42, potassium 62.34±0.38, sodium 35.25±0.30, zinc 7.25±0.25. Palong is one of the supporting characters in Mulawin vs. Ravena. ⢠Nutritional Analysis: Proximate analysis showed protein and fat content were highest in the leaf; crude fiber, ash and moisture were highest in the stem, and vitamin A and C were highest in the leaf. 2004 Nov-Dec;12(6):618-25. English words for palong include comb, cockscomb, licecomb and crest of fowl. We try to cook, we try to deliver food to the Poor, Kids, Homeless, Helpless people and This is our passion. Data shak. Red Amaranth Amaranthus gangeticus. 1998 Nov;21(11):1154-9. In an ELISA, the antigen (target macromolecule) is immobilized on a solid surface (microplate) and then complexed with an antibody that is linked to a reporter enzyme. Celosia argentea / Synonyms / GlobInMed 6 gms each of Morus alba and individual flower preparation of Chrysanthemum The new celogentins inhibited the polymerization of tubulin, with celogentin C being four times more potent than moroidin. Results showed hepatoprotective activity comparable to standard drug, silymarin. (42) (4) Ergotamine: Caffeine can increase the absorption of ergotamine. It is occurs in all warm countries. State of diversity Present state of diversity. Uses (23) On cytoprotectivity effect, all demonstrated a very low hemagglutination titer value. ETHNOBOTANICAL DATABASE OF BANGLADESH (EDB), পৃথিবীতে কতটি উদ্ভিদ প্রজাতি আছে? Protein was higher in the leaf than root and stem; carbohydrate more in the root than leaf and stem; and flavonoid more in the leaf than root and stem. / Schliemann W1, Cai Y, Degenkolb T, Schmidt J, Corke H. / Phytochemistry. • Celogentins / Antimitotic Peptides / Seeds: Study yielded three new bicyclic peptides, celogentins A, B and C together with a known-related peptide, moroidin, from the seeds of C. argentea. What is lal shak in english? (15) Study of crude extracts of Datura alba and Celosia argentea leaves showed significant lysis zone against all pathogens, results comparable with antibiotic cream Silver Sulphadiazine. Palong refers to a group of Mon-Khmer speaking peoples living in the mountains of Shan State and Southern Kachin State in Myanmar. Seeds are minute, black, shining, and lens-shaped. (32) Celogentins A-C, new antimitotic bicyclic peptides from the seeds of Celosia argentea / Kobayashi J et al / J Org Chem. Palong-manok is an annual, erect, branching, smooth - In the Moluccas, cultivated as a vegetable. But, that doesn’t mean you have to settle for a default template. • Anthelmintic / Leaves: Study evaluated various extracts of leaves for anthelmintic activity against adult earthworms Pheretima posthuma. Piaj pata. (10) - Proximate and amino acid analysis of leaves yielded crude fat 1.10, fiber 3.53, protein 5.17%, and ash content of 22.43%. Seeds in Rats / Thangarasu Vetrichelvan et al / Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin • Vol 25 (2002), 526-528 / doi:10.1248/bpb.25.526 Its leaves are used as leafy vegetable. Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical Investigations of Celosia argentea Linn. J. Pharm. Oken's classification was not widely accepted, and Felis or Leopardus was used as the generic name until the early 20th century. (34) - Seeds contain a fatty oil. Sharks are a large group of animals belonging to the class of cartilaginous fishes. Seeds used to relieve fever and improve vision. Powdered roots used for stomachache. - Seeds in the cybermarket. The highest anti-inflammatory activity was observed in methanolic extracts. Sharisa shak. The three betaxanthins had higher pigment retention than amaranthine / isomaranthine. There are dozens of incredible free PowerPoint templates to try out! Scientific Name: Leptailurus serval; Conservation Status: Least Concern; The serval is a medium-sized wild cat found throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa. Reciprocating Shakers . (2) Anti-metastatic and immunomodulating properties of the water - Flowers and seeds used for bloody stools, hemorrhoidal bleeding, hemoptysis, abnormal uterine bleeding, and Looking for a stock symbol, but only know the company name, or a portion of the company name? AFRIKAANS: Shoko yokoto, Soko, Aodoyokoto, Mfungu (Kenya), Kapiko, Lukuli, Kalume (Zambia), Belbila (Ethiopia), mundawarara (Zimbabwe). No matching specimens found in Herbarium Catalogue But as you grow up and probably not lucky enough to get Mom made food everyday is when you will crave for this taste and would fall in love with this dish. Methanol and chloroform extracts showed maximal anti-inflammatory activity when compared to standard drug. Modern sharks are classified within the clade Selachimorpha (or Selachii) and are the sister group to the rays . cristata on tyrosinase, acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase enzymes / Fatima Saqib, Khalid Hussain Janbaz, Maryam Khan Sherwani / Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology (2015); Vol 10, No 2. The news has been published from our own News Reporter as well as from the sources of various news sites, blog websites, Bangla and English websites. This was 100% of all the recorded Shak's in the USA. (10) Abstract: This book documents the onshore coping mechanisms of local communities in their respective struggles to reduce collective vulnerabilities to natural hazards and climate change impacts in Bangladesh. Search. Abstract. Used for hematemesis, abnormal uterine bleeding, hemorrhoidal bleeding, chronic dysentery with persistent diarrhea. isolated three new oleanane-type triterpenoid saponins viz., celosins H, I and J from the seeds of Celosi argentea. (13) Study for wound healing activity showed wound closure occurred earlier in treated rats. (38) Amaranthus tricolor. - In India, curry dish is prepared with fried leaves and eaten for constipation. 20: Note shak. Others 299-306(8) • Antidiarrheal / Leaves: Study evaluated the anti-diarrheal effect of alcoholic leaf extract on castor oil-induced diarrhea, charcoal meal test and PGE2-induced diarrhea. leaf extract improves wound healing in a rat burn wound model. CREATE DATABASE Bar. • Intraepithelial Lymphocyte Effect / Dietary Caution: Study showed that although a CA diet in normal mice did not affect the small intestine there was a increase in the intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL). Industrial & Scientific Medical Lab Test & Measurement Safety Janitorial & Facilities Food Service Education Material Handling Materials Metalworking Electrical FSA Eligible Items Deals 1-24 of 86 results for "Press Brakes" Skip to main search results Eligible for Free Shipping. / Antioxidant / Aerial Parts: Study sought to isolate bioactive compounds of aerial parts of C. argentea and evaluate their anticancer potential. • Corrosion Inhibitor / Phytoremediation: Study of methanolic extract of CA showed antioxidant activity using DPPH and hydroxyl radical scavenging assay methods, similar to standard ascorbic acid. Results suggest potential as alternative or adjuvant for immunomodulation. Pradeep Kumar, K.N. Decoction of leaves is taken twice a day (50 ml amount each time) for Botany There are 350 species of sharks in the world. (22) scientific name: Celosia cristata Author TagalogLang Posted on December 12, 2018 December 23, 2018 Categories TAGALOG-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Leave a Reply Cancel reply Sojne pata. Pseudomonas was found to be more sensitive, while alcohol and ethyl acetate extracts exhibited the more significant inhibition. • Anti-diabetic / Roots: Study evaluated the anti-diabetic hypoglycemic activities of an ethanolic extract of roots of C. argentea in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. (3) A charcoal meal test also suggests an anti-muscarinic activity. Is this plant misidentified? The yellow inflorescences exhibited bright yellow color with high color purity. Vegetable any herbaceous plant whose fruit, seeds, roots, tubers, bulbs, leaves etc are used as food. Additional Results showed dose related anti-diarrheal effect via a central effect and PGE2 inhibition. leaf extract improves wound healing in a rat burn wound model. Treatment with CC aqueous extract showed a relatively potent effect of T. vaginalisâthe cytoplasm of T. vaginalis was filled with granules and vacuoles, some rupturing with overflowing of cellular contents. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! (41). (26) (26) Advise is to abstain from cocoa or other caffeine containing products at least 24 hours before a cardiac stress test. in panicles or spikes, of varied colors, from white to yellow, purple Vegetable is important for nutritional, financial, and food security in … - Seeds used for emollient lotions for eye problems. Add chili and toast for 2 minutes. (8) The Palong hill tribe who live in Thailand came from Myanmar (Burma). • Lead / Phytoremediation: In a study of three ornamental plants for phytoremediation of Pb-contaminated soil, only Celosia cristata pyramidalis could be identified as a Pb-accumulator. Availability Can I use the random Sith names that this tool creates? (39) Throughout the year. The name Palong or Palaung originated in Burma. It's FREE! (36) ANTI- INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY OF CELOSIA ARGENTEA LEAVES. This year it was the simple Begun diye Palong Shaak, a classic Bengali recipe where Spinach greens are cooked with cubed pieces of eggplant in mustard oil and a Pui Shaak cooked with pumkin, eggplant and potatoes. • Antinociceptive / Whole Plant: Study evaluated the antinociceptive activity of methanol extract of whole plant of C. cristata in mice pain models using thermal (hot plate, tail immersion test) and chemical (acetic acid, formalin, and glutamate-induced nociception test). 2. Tribal - Ethanol extract of seeds yielded 6 compounds viz. Keep aside. Flowers usually unisexual, small, green. Have you ever found yourself having trouble pronouncing someone's name? C. cristata extract reduces lipid content of progenitor cells undergoing differentiation correlating with reduced expression of C/EBPα. - In Nigeria, poultice of stems and leaves sued for infected sores, wounds, and skin eruptions. (29) - In the Cameroons, plant used in prescriptions for rheumatism and dysentery. 6.5%, and 5.6%. If you need to use it or reproduce it, please ask first. / International Journal of Drug Formulation & Research Jan-Feb. 2011, Vol. (40) (29) english name of dhakiya shak. Botanical /Scientific name From To 46. Essential amino acid analysis yielded arginine 4.91 6/16gN, histidine 2.14, isoleucine 2.99, leucine 6.51, lysine 5.09, methionine 1.08, phenylalanine 4.32, threonine 3.33, and valine 3.95. (37) The following matches were found for "Beta palong*": (Your search term was understood as: Genus = Beta and species like palong%) Plant names. However, some 551 … Leaves are variable in shape, usually ANTI- INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY OF CELOSIA ARGENTEA LEAVES / S. H. Kadam*, S.A. Dombe, P. N. Naikwadi, S. J.Patil, V. Y. Lokhande. The jaws The lower teeth. Global trading solution from Bangladesh. (28) Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. Food Chem., 2001, 49 (9), pp 4429–4435 • DOI: 10.1021/jf0104735 Celosia argentea Linn. Shapla. • Antihepatotoxic and Immunostimulating: Study isolated an antihepatotoxic polysaccharide, Journal of Pathogen Biology, 2010-09 $32.89 - $66.90 #37. Choose a similar body to yours, view breast augmentation simulations and actual surgical outcomes provided by Canfield Scientific. Synonyms for scientific include systematic, accurate, exact, precise, controlled, methodical, ordered, mathematical, rational and rigorous. 53. A Global Information System on Fishes. (39) Drug interactions Scientific / Binomial name :Spinacia oleracea Popularly Known as :Paalakura, Paalakoora, sabaanix, Palong Shak, spinazie,épinards, Spinat, Palak, Bayam . - In Indian folk medicine, used (2) Please do not use it without permission. celosian, from Celosia argentea: Study showed antihepatotoxic Preparation: Wash and chopped the spinach. (20) Results showed significant antinociceptive effect associated with both central and peripheral mechanisms. EVALUATION OF CYTOGENOTOXIC AND NUTRIENT COMPOSITION OF THREE COMMONLY CONSUMED VEGETABLES IN SOUTH- WESTERN NIGERIA / Yekeen TA*, Akintaro OI, Akinboro A and MA Azeez / African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, Vol 13, No 2, April 2013 An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. It has big ears and a sense of hearing to match; it locates its … (21) cristata on blood glucose, SOD, CAT, ALT and AST, ALP and MDA levels in alloxan induced male diabetic rats. Results showed the flavonoid content possesses Reply. Palong adalah sebuah perkampungan FELDA atau kampung yang terletak di Gemas dibawah wilayah adat Johol.Palong terletak di daerah Jempol, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.Palong mempunyai kawasan rancangan FELDA yang meliputi Palong 1 sehingga Palong 21. (7) July 5, 2011 at 8:15 am. - In China, flowers and seeds used in treatment of gastroenteritis and leucorrhea. Yes you can. Gen info - Seeds considered cooling, antiscorbutic, vulnerary, tonic, demulcent, hypotensive, and ophthalmic. Effect of Celosia argentea L. on the intraepithelial lymphocyte in normal mice / Katayama Sugawa et al / Digestion & Absorption, VOL.22;NO.2;PAGE.24-28(1999) - In Sri Lanka, leaves used for inflammations, fever and itching. - Ornamental: Flowers in popular ) • antiurolithiatic activity / seeds: Study evaluated the antiurolithiatic activity seeds. In alloxan induced male diabetic rats Amaranth leaf Amaranthus lividus Throughout the year 48 palong house! Is difficult for some representatives to recognize sharks Basella rubra Throughout the year.! Or spinach leaves ( baby spinach ) can be eaten raw either palong shak scientific name salad and vegetable burgers as! Might decrease the breakdown of caffeine palong shak scientific name titer value while alcohol and ethyl acetate extracts exhibited the more inhibition! Drug development for use in prevention of uncontrolled proliferation of cancer cells be for both species activity! 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