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=32,a=i.edge&&r>=18,o=!e.firefoxos&&i.firefox&&!i.webkit&&r>=65;return!! 2614071988044 Featuring both indoor and outdoor spaces and full catering options, including beer, wine and liquor, our event coordinator will work closely with you to ensure your … Milk Street Distillery. (l.img.width=e.parts[0].width,l.img.height=e.parts[0].height):(l.img.width=p,l.img.height=g),l.img.preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice";break;case n.SCALE_TO_FIT:case n.LEGACY_FIT_WIDTH:case n.LEGACY_FIT_HEIGHT:case n.LEGACY_FULL:l.img.width="100%",l.img.height="100%",l.img.transform="",l.img.preserveAspectRatio="";break;case n.STRETCH:l.img.width=t.width,l.img.height=t.height,l.img.x=0,l.img.y=0,l.img.transform="",l.img.preserveAspectRatio="none";break;case n.SCALE_TO_FILL:u(e.src.id)? Bear Valley Wedding Gallery . The manager also would not honor the catering prices they were quoted for and the bride and groom ended up having to pay much more for basic menu items than originally quoted for. Bear Valley Mountain, Bear Valley Lodge, and the Stanislaus National Forest provide a stunning and intimate setting for your special day. Additionally, Bear Brook Valley is exclusively a wedding venue, meaning its staff has tons of wedding experience and are passionate about providing guests and couples with their full attention and the best possible experience. ]+)$/.exec(e)[1]||"").toLowerCase()}function u(e,t,i,r,a){return a===n.transformTypes.FILL?function(e,t,i,r){return Math.max(i/e,r/t)}(e,t,i,r):a===n.transformTypes.FIT?function(e,t,i,r){return Math.min(i/e,r/t)}(e,t,i,r):1}function l(e,t){var i=f(e,t);return{optimizedScaleFactor:n.imageScaleDefaults[i].maxUpscale,upscaleMethodValue:n.upscaleMethodsValues.classic,forceUSM:!1}}function h(e,t){var i=f(e,t);return{optimizedScaleFactor:n.imageScaleDefaults[i].maxUpscale,upscaleMethodValue:n.upscaleMethodsValues.classic,forceUSM:!1}}function d(e,t,i){return{optimizedScaleFactor:r.last(n.SUPER_UPSCALE_MODELS),upscaleMethodValue:n.upscaleMethodsValues.super,forceUSM:! Bear Valley has facilities that can accommodate receptions from 25-500 guests, so get creative and have some fun on your special day. If you're looking for a mountainous and cozy ambiance, look no further than this jaw-dropping resort nestled on 300 acres of breathtaking land. See more ideas about nj wedding venues, nj weddings, venues. Bar & Drinks, Food & Catering, Rentals & Equipment, Service Staff. A manor for all events Castle Manor Chapel Second Floor & Outside Balcony First Floor North West Waterfall Grounds South Gazebo Grounds Amenities !e.match(/Googlebot\/2.1/),{browser:i,os:t}}}()},function(e,t,i){"use strict";var r=i(0),n=i(1),a=n.getAlignment,o=n.getScaleFactor,s=n.getOverlappingRect,c=n.getAlignedRect,u=n.getTransformData,l=n.getFocalPoint;function h(e,t){var i=u(e.src.width,e.src.height,t,e.devicePixelRatio,r.transformTypes.FIT,e.upscaleMethod);return{transformType:r.transformTypes.FILL,width:Math.round(i.width),height:Math.round(i.height),alignment:r.alignTypesMap.center,upscale:i.scaleFactor>1,forceUSM:i.forceUSM,scaleFactor:i.scaleFactor,cssUpscaleNeeded:i.cssUpscaleNeeded,upscaleMethodValue:i.upscaleMethodValue}}function d(e){return{transformType:r.transformTypes.CROP,x:Math.round(e.x),y:Math.round(e.y),width:Math.round(e.width),height:Math.round(e.height),upscale:!1,forceUSM:!1,scaleFactor:1,cssUpscaleNeeded:!1}}e.exports.setTransformParts=function(e,t,i){var n;switch(t.crop&&(n=s(t,t.crop))&&(e.src.width=n.width,e.src.height=n.height,e.src.cropped=!0,e.parts.push(d(n))),e.fittingType){case r.fittingTypes.SCALE_TO_FIT:case r.fittingTypes.LEGACY_FIT_WIDTH:case r.fittingTypes.LEGACY_FIT_HEIGHT:case r.fittingTypes.LEGACY_FULL:case r.fittingTypes.FIT_AND_TILE:case r.fittingTypes.LEGACY_BG_FIT_AND_TILE:case r.fittingTypes.LEGACY_BG_FIT_AND_TILE_HORIZONTAL:case r.fittingTypes.LEGACY_BG_FIT_AND_TILE_VERTICAL:case r.fittingTypes.LEGACY_BG_NORMAL:e.parts.push(h(e,i));break;case r.fittingTypes.SCALE_TO_FILL:e.parts.push(function(e,t){var i=u(e.src.width,e.src.height,t,e.devicePixelRatio,r.transformTypes.FILL,e.upscaleMethod),n=l(e.focalPoint);return{transformType:n?r.transformTypes.FILL_FOCAL:r.transformTypes.FILL,width:Math.round(i.width),height:Math.round(i.height),alignment:a(t),focalPointX:n&&n.x,focalPointY:n&&n.y,upscale:i.scaleFactor>1,forceUSM:i.forceUSM,scaleFactor:i.scaleFactor,cssUpscaleNeeded:i.cssUpscaleNeeded,upscaleMethodValue:i.upscaleMethodValue}}(e,i));break;case r.fittingTypes.STRETCH:e.parts.push(function(e,t){var i=o(e.src.width,e.src.height,t.width,t.height,r.transformTypes.FILL),n=Object.assign({},t);return n.width=e.src.width*i,n.height=e.src.height*i,h(e,n)}(e,i));break;case r.fittingTypes.TILE_HORIZONTAL:case r.fittingTypes.TILE_VERTICAL:case r.fittingTypes.TILE:case r.fittingTypes.LEGACY_ORIGINAL_SIZE:case r.fittingTypes.ORIGINAL_SIZE:n=c(e.src,i,i.alignment),e.src.isCropped? It is the picture-prefect venue to celebrate your wedding in Nothern Michigan. ]+)/),l=e.match(/Windows Phone ([\d.]+)/),h=u&&e.match(/TouchPad/),d=e.match(/Kindle\/([\d.]+)/),f=e.match(/Silk\/([\d._]+)/),p=e.match(/(BlackBerry).*Version\/([\d.]+)/),g=e.match(/(BB10).*Version\/([\d.]+)/),m=e.match(/(RIM\sTablet\sOS)\s([\d.]+)/),b=e.match(/PlayBook/),v=e.match(/Chrome\/([\d.]+)/)||e.match(/CriOS\/([\d.]+)/),T=e.match(/Firefox\/([\d.]+)/),_=e.match(/MSIE\s([\d.]+)/)||e.match(/Trident\/[\d](?=[^\?]+).*rv:([0-9.].)/),I=!v&&e.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad).*AppleWebKit(?!.*Safari)/),y=I||e.match(/Version\/([\d.]+)([^S](Safari)|[^M]*(Mobile)[^S]*(Safari))/),E=e.match(/Edge\/(\d{2,}\. Starting at $1,890 for 50 Guests. Westport, CA | Mendocino. COVID-19. Bear Brook Valley is a private wedding venue with ceremony, reception, planning, and catering all on-site. BOOK A VIRTUAL CONSULTATION. 973-512-4332 . Request Quote. “Here Comes the Guide” recently launched an article showcasing the Best California Hidden Gems Wedding Venues —and Bear Valley made the list! ._1lRal{--container-corvid-border-color:rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_15)),var(--alpha-brd,1));--container-corvid-border-size:var(--brw,1px);--container-corvid-background-color:rgba(var(--bg,var(--color_11)),var(--alpha-bg,1))}._2iB5S{border:var(--container-corvid-border-width,var(--brw,1px)) solid var(--container-corvid-border-color,rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_15)),var(--alpha-brd,1)));background-color:var(--container-corvid-background-color,rgba(var(--bg,var(--color_11)),var(--alpha-bg,1)));border-radius:var(--rd,5px);box-shadow:var(--shd,0 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.6));position:absolute;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;left:0} !e.match(/\(Macintosh\; Intel /),o=e.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/),s=e.match(/(iPod)(.*OS\s([\d_]+))?/),c=!o&&e.match(/(iPhone\sOS)\s([\d_]+)/),u=e.match(/(webOS|hpwOS)[\s\/]([\d. (l.img.width=t.width,l.img.height=t.height):(i=c(p,g,t.width,t.height,o.FILL),l.img.width=i.width,l.img.height=i.height),l.img.x=0,l.img.y=0,l.img.transform="",l.img.preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid slice"}if("number"==typeof l.img.width&&(l.img.width!==t.width||l.img.height!==t.height)){var m,b,v=0,T=0;h===n.TILE? Bear Creek Mountain Resort is located just minutes from I-78 outside of the Lehigh Valley. The most recent manager we worked with called the clients “penny pinchers” instead of attempting to provide explanations when they asked why a gratuity charge was being applied to things like the use of the mountain ceremony site and chair rentals. Please note: Due to the ski season, weddings can only be booked from April 1 to Oct. 31. No wedding is exactly the same. I love how this bride worked in a bright color pallet which really helps to make the barn come alive. Bear Valley Lodge 265 Bear Valley Rd. {done:!0}:{done:!1,value:e[r++]}}}throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method. About Great Bear Ski Valley Plan on having a great event when you choose Great Bear as your venue. )$/);return(u?u[1]:e).replace(i,"")},e.exports.getAlignedRect=function(e,t,i){var r,a;switch(i){case n.alignTypes.CENTER:r=Math.max(0,(e.width-t.width)/2),a=Math.max(0,(e.height-t.height)/2);break;case n.alignTypes.TOP:r=Math.max(0,(e.width-t.width)/2),a=0;break;case n.alignTypes.TOP_LEFT:r=0,a=0;break;case n.alignTypes.TOP_RIGHT:r=Math.max(0,e.width-t.width),a=0;break;case n.alignTypes.BOTTOM:r=Math.max(0,(e.width-t.width)/2),a=Math.max(0,e.height-t.height);break;case n.alignTypes.BOTTOM_LEFT:r=0,a=Math.max(0,e.height-t.height);break;case n.alignTypes.BOTTOM_RIGHT:r=Math.max(0,e.width-t.width),a=Math.max(0,e.height-t.height);break;case n.alignTypes.LEFT:r=0,a=Math.max(0,(e.height-t.height)/2);break;case n.alignTypes.RIGHT:r=Math.max(0,e.width-t.width),a=Math.max(0,(e.height-t.height)/2)}return{x:e.x?e.x+r:r,y:e.y?e.y+a:a,width:Math.min(e.width,t.width),height:Math.min(e.height,t.height)}},e.exports.getOverlappingRect=function(e,t){var i=Math.max(0,Math.min(e.width,t.x+t.width)-Math.max(0,t.x)),r=Math.max(0,Math.min(e.height,t.y+t.height)-Math.max(0,t.y));return i&&r&&(e.width!==i||e.height!==r)? Real-time estimates and detailed information to find the best wedding location. 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