The saw-toothed chain of dark peaks that form ridge … He sheds light on many of the most frequently made mistakes and suggests dozens of practical solutions. Taking the Cuillin Ridge Light approach, she managed to complete the route in a day. Thirty-five years ago I failed to traverse the Cuillin Ridge. The exhilarating Cuillin Ridge Traverse on the Isle of Skye is one of Britain's most iconic scrambles. Here's some inspiration to help get you through in the meantime. We are always grateful to readers for information about any discrepancies between a For many it remains a dream, but it is within reach of many walkers and scramblers. Needless to say after innumerable route finding errors I was an hour late for my rendezvous, and had missed out the last two Munros. After a last minute decision to not fly to Geneva as planned for two weeks of alpine fun, and after realising getting last minute accommodation anywhere in the UK in August was not going to happen, we packed our car and drove to north west Scotland for some classic mountain walking, wild camping and overpriced Airbnb-ing. Over 4000m (13,000feet) of ascen… Too many stories of it being a sufferfest, miles of trudging through snow, intricate route-finding and short hours of daylight were enough to put me off. books that leave you with a feeling of awe, that leave you inspired. A mountain traverse like no other in the UK, Skye's Cuillin Ridge is an aspiration for many climbers, mountaineers and scramblers. Approaches and descents to the Ridge take a total of 6 hours. Skye’s Cuillin Ridge is a world class route of high-quality scrambling. Together, they run a guiding and photography company, All Things Cuillin, and have set up the very popular Facebook group of the same name. Planning ahead, we had dutifully stored some extra water at An Dorus (the halfway point of the ridge) the day before, as there is no easily accessible or reliable water source while on the ridge itself. Despite living and working on Skye as a mountain guide and photographer, the winter ridge traverse had never really appealed to me. We shared the spot with two yachts who anchored overnight, and more than a few deer. We woke at 5am and were greeted once again with cloud. Strategy, gear, training, navigation and logistics are covered, and 10 classic scrambles are described. Due to Coronavirus transport impacts, European shipping will be suspended until mid January. The first volume covers planning and preparation and includes a recommended gear list as well as tips on rope work, weather, safety, logistics, route options, escape routes and potential bivi sites. It was here we were passed by two very competent scramblers, no maps or guidebook in hand, who looked effortlessly slick. The traverse form end to end is itself about 12km with another 3000m of ascent, before … After our failed attempt in 2019, we vowed we would never again make the boggy trudge from Glen Brittle campsite. The traverse is relatively straightforward until it gets to the Thearlaich Dubh Gap. The first volume describes the strategy and tactics for a successful traverse together with ten classic scrambles that can be used for reconnaissance and preparation. Join over 30,000 enthusiasts from around the world. Terry Marsh. On the crest of Sgurr a’ Ghreadaidh, Joe nearly took off as a gust of wind caught him unawares. His work in the outdoor industry included 12 years at Ogwen Cottage in Snowdonia, one of the few places in the UK to regularly take secondary school students multi-pitch climbing. We decided to escape down The Great Stone Chute. The ridge, while confusing in route finding and map interpretation, its difficult pronunciation of the 11 Munro’s, the corries and climbs; it’s expedition feel and stunning scenery, all leads to an incredible adventurous day out. You must be joking, I thought. If you don’t love our mix of new books, articles, offers and competitions, you can unsubscribe at any time. We tried to stay positive that the clouds that were shrouding the ridge line weren’t threatening, and would surely pass. We apologise for this inconvenience, British Isles Challenges, Collections and Activities, North East England, Yorkshire Dales and Pennines, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria, Pyrenees and France/Spain cross-border routes, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo, International Challenges, Collections and Activities. They 'I wasn’t expecting to see grey clouds in the distance', 'I wasn’t expecting to see cloud covering the ridge!'. Browse and purchase our full range of guidebooks in our downloadable Catalogue. Whilst [there are a number of] publications [with] route descriptions of the Ridge, Skye’s Cuillin Ridge Traverse is the first print guidebook to purely focus on the traverse. Full review here: We looked at the weather and decided on the day. There is no question that if I had read Adrian Trendall’s superb guidebook Skye’s Cuillin Ridge Traverse, I would have been far better prepared first time around. The Cuillin Ridge. The pinnacle of guidebooks Cicerone’s new publication tackles the UK’s most epic mountain terrain. What 2019 had taught us was that a wet and claggy start does not mean the ridge is lost, if you continue trudging. We reached the ‘halfway point’ of the route, An Dorus, after about 7 hours on the ridge. Both volumes are illustrated with Harvey Maps, which is undoubtedly the clearest mapping of the Cuillin published to date. All great guidebooks are labours of love, and clearly a huge amount of local knowledge, experience, thought and care have gone into this production. The guide Skyes’s Cuillin Ridge Traverse comprises two separate parts; two books. Looking at the map, it’s relatively near the end of the route, but it wasn’t until Am Basteir that it felt like it was going to be possible to succeed. Read the full review on the Climbing Gear Reviews Blog. Downloads. After a failed attempt on the Skye’s Cuillin Ridge traverse in 2019, Caroline returned this year to have another go. we made it back to our tent safely, a surreal 19-hour day and only a few jelly babies left in our pockets. My husband, G, and I made good use of the book during two mountain days – and a total of eight Munro summits – this summer. GPX files are available for many of our books. Adrian is a mountain guide and photographer living on Skye. Its an amazing challenge for lovers of narrow ridges, massive exposure and exciting climbs. This two-volume guidebook provides detailed coverage of the iconic Cuillin Ridge, a 12km traverse on the Isle of Skye. Written by Skye-based guide Adrian Trendall, Cicerone's new guidebook to the Cuillin Ridge Traverse documents this classic mountaineering adventure to an impressive level of detail, says Dan Bailey. All in all the Cicerone Isle of Skye guide is a well research and written guide that is a perfect companion for your trip and collection. Skye's Cuillin Ridge Traverse . Mike Lates has been a mountain guide on Skye since 1995 and has completed more than fifty Traverses including a Greater Traverse and two in full winter conditions. The newsletter you will want to read! The Cuillin Ridge Traverse is arguably the finest climb in Britain. Not the clear sky that was forecast…. I was now wearing all four of my layers and wondering if our decision to travel ‘light’ was wise. Free 1st Class postage on UK orders. will be published here following review by the author(s). Much to my relief, it became clear the clouds were swirling and not shrouding the ridge, offering glimpses of the beauty below. We will never spam you, sell your data or send emails from third parties. The Cuillin ridge is a 12km long ridge of continuous interest to the mountaineer, with eleven of its summits being Munros (Scottish hills over 3000ft/914m). The author is clearly an expert and shares his knowledge in an easy to read way. We had hired a mountain guide to do the Cuillin traverse, a 12km ridge on Scotland’s Isle of Skye, which takes in 11 Munros and many subsidiary peaks. The first book contains an overview of what a traverse of the Cuillin Ridge of Skye entails, and provides advice on strategies to achieving a successful outcome to excursions on to the ridge, whether to complete a full traverse (summer or winter) or to the exploration of sections of the ridge, or via ten classic scrambles associated with the ridge. The difficulty of the ridge and complexity of route-finding makes the use of a guide a good idea, especially if you're short on time or knowledge. This was the most sustained scrambling and easy climbing with such exposure and consequences I had ever experienced, and the less than perfect conditions harboured a constant worry that we wouldn’t have enough time to complete the ridge in daylight. Adrian explains that although the Cuillin Ridge is “a huge challenge, it is achievable by many climbers, and here lies much of its appeal.” His approach is deliberately set out to be helpful and puts great emphasis on making everything work in your favour through maximising information up front together with careful preparation. Adrian Trendall, author of new Cicerone guide Skye's Cuillin Ridge Traverse, explains how to smooth the hardest edges off the ridge, making it a more realistic prospect for iffy weather or less able climbers. A lightweight second guidebook gives the scrambler detailed maps, topos and route description for the ridge traverse itself. The full Cuillin Ridge Traverse involves climbing to Severe, abseils, and miles of steep, exposed scrambling. Skye's Cuillin Ridge Traverse by Adrian Trendall Strategies, advice, detailed topo booklet and 10 classic scrambles This pocket-sized book packs a real punch. We're dreaming of the day COVID-19 is over and we can all go back to Skye. The full traverse of the Cuillin Ridge isn't to be underestimated, so there are four (full) pages dedicated to planning and tactics, which give a good impression of the challenge that lies ahead, and provides you plenty of sage advice on how best to deal with it all. Find out the latest route changes with free guidebook updates. 2020/11/18 Adrian Trendall, a guide on the Isle of Skye, has written a book published by Cicerone called Skye’s Cuillin Ridge Traverse. Christmas Books - Our Recommendations . SKYE'S CUILLIN RIDGE TRAVERSE Strategies, advice, detailed topo booklet and 10 classic scrambles by Adrian Trendall Described as 'the holy grail of British scrambling' by the British Mountaineering Council, the Cuillin Ridge on the Isle of Skye continues to inspire scramblers and climbers with its rugged crags and impressive pinnacles. You'll need a good combination of fitness and scrambling ability to complete two demanding days and an overnight bivouac on the ridge. A handful of short rock climbs are encountered along the route but these are not a problem compared to the physical and mental effort required. Cicerone Press W ritten by Skye-based guide Adrian Trendall, Cicerone's new guidebook to Skye's Cuillin Ridge Traverse documents this classic mountaineering adventure to an impressive level of detail. Get the latest news, articles and offers in our newsletter sent to you every two weeks. Over two volumes, this guide covers everything needed to prepare for and complete a successful trip over this spectacular ridge. We chose the least soggy but equally midge ridden place to set up camp and spent the next five hours sat in the tent until it was time to sleep, not daring to go out for the midges. Written by Skye-based guide Adrian Trendall, Cicerone's new guidebook to the Cuillin Ridge Traverse documents this classic mountaineering adventure to an impressive level of detail, says Dan Bailey. A full traverse of the Cuillin ridge involves an overnight bivouac. This two-volume guidebook provides detailed coverage of the iconic Cuillin Ridge, a 12km traverse on the Isle of Skye. Over two volumes, this guide covers everything needed to prepare for and complete a successful traverse over this spectacular ridge. Typical, we both thought. Having just finished writing a guidebook, Skye's Cuillin Ridge Traverse, for Cicerone Press, which required a lot of photos, I thought I’d write down a few thoughts based on the most frequent questions I am asked about my photography. 9 Jun . Joe was concerned with my slow pace up to Gars-bheinn. We had spent a chilly night at Glen Brittle campsite and had set off at 5am to start the never-ending trudge to Gars-bheinn (the start of the Cuillin Ridge traverse). We apologise for this inconvenience, Route 3 South South East Buttress, Sgurr na Stri, Route 5 South Ridge, Sgurr Coir’ an Lochain, Route 8 Pinnacle Ridge, Sgurr nan Gillean, Route 10 Central South Buttress, An Caisteal, Appendix B Further reading, webcams and accommodation, British Isles Challenges, Collections and Activities, North East England, Yorkshire Dales and Pennines, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria, Pyrenees and France/Spain cross-border routes, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo, International Challenges, Collections and Activities. Certainly no bottleneck like the guidebook describes. You'll need a good combination of fitness and scrambling ability to complete two demanding days and an overnight bivouac on the ridge. Adrian Trendall, author of new Cicerone guide Skye's Cuillin Ridge Traverse, explains how to smooth the hardest edges off the ridge, making it a more realistic prospect for iffy weather or less able climbers. I had never climbed on Skye before, and naively thought that a 9am start from Slichagan would give me enough time to complete the route and meet my new girlfriend at the other end in Glen Brittle at 5pm. Skye’s Cuillin Ridge Traverse by Adrian Trendall is a detailed topo guidebook describing both summer and winter traverses. Both strategies have the pros and cons, and Adrian carefully outlines the recipes for success. By late afternoon we had gone back to the ridge to retrieve our stashed water bottles, and the views were incredible. In addition, Adrian has become the author of a new book, Skye’s Cuillin Ridge Traverse, published by Cicerone earlier this year. Available online or sent by email. A full traverse of the main ridge normally takes 2 days to complete in summer conditions with a night spent sleeping on the crest of the ridge. The idea is that you leave the first volume in the valley, and take the second with you on the traverse. There are many easier sections on the route with less severe consequences, but the individual features of the route were starting to blur into one, and the feeling that I couldn’t quite relax was starting to feel relentless. Walking up the westerly slope of … In recent years, winter traverses of the Cuillin Ridge have become more common. View from Elgol to an atmospheric Cuillin in winter. No sooner had we dropped below the ridge line, but the clouds departed, and by the time we reached the road at the bottom of the valley, it was a beautiful blue-skyed hot day. Well done Cicerone Press and Adrian Trendall. The first volume also includes a description of a winter traverse. Skye Trail - Aimed at more adventurous walkers, this 80-mile route takes in part of the Trotternish Ridge and passes benrath the Cuillin. We will never spam you, sell your data or send emails from third parties. Hmm I thought. However, not long after the clouds parted, it started to hail, complicating the descent of Sgurr Thearlaich before Collie’s Ledge where hands on rock were needed to navigate the slippy slabs, and I cursed myself for not putting mountaineering gloves in my pack. A full traverse of the Isle of Skye’s Cuillin Ridge is rightly regarded as the UK’s most challenging mountain route. This two-volume guidebook provides detailed coverage of the iconic Cuillin Ridge, a 12km traverse on the Isle of Skye. Adrian Trendall and Cicerone should be congratulated for an outstanding publication. Jobs were often temporary and a means to finance climbing trips. The Cuillin ridge traverse is simply the best mountaineering route for shredding your footwear in the country! Seeds of optimism crept back. There is then 12km of continuous scrambling mostly along a narrow crest with concentration required on every step. The Cuillin ridge traverse is simply the best mountaineering route for shredding your footwear in the country! Skye’s Cuillin Ridge Traverse is written for the more general mountaineer. A superbly written and well put together guide book for the Cuillin Ridge and other popular Cuillin Scrambles. Skye's Cuillin Ridge Traverse: Strategies, Advice, Detailed Topo Booklet and 10 Classic Scrambles: Trendall, Adrian: 9781786310439: Books - He says: “I remember during my first trips post-redundancy on Skye, I was frustrated I couldn’t find what I felt was a useful guidebook for a Cuillin traverse. Your movement along the ridge needs to be smooth, an uninterrupted flow for- wards. I felt very small in such a dominating landscape with the valley a long way down. Browse and purchase our full range of guidebooks in our downloadable Catalogue. Scrambling Cuillin Traverse: Taking the Easier Route . Seeds of doubt were now creeping in as to whether this was actually the perfect clear day the weather forecast had predicted. This 2-volume set has all the information needed to plan and complete the traverse. After a very traditional schooling and a BA in history from King’s College, London, Adrian devoted himself to climbing and photography. Realistic and never underestimating the ridge and a true reflection of the climbing grades for some of the rock climbs. It was at the bottom of the third of the four tops of Sgurr a’ Mhadaidh that I stopped for a wobble. This slim volume weighs a mere 100 grams (20 grams more than the Harvey map) and contains all the information you need while climbing the route. to us then please use our contact form. The rain came down, and with a foolish reluctance to accept it and stop to put on waterproof trousers (as it was not what the weather had forecasted) we arrived at Loch Corruisk, completely sodden. The newsletter you will want to read! We popped onto the ridge and into the cloud with a reduced ability to see the view and a deep sense of deja vu. Skye’s Cuillin Ridge Traverse is a cleverly designed publication that consists of two volumes held together in a plastic sleeve. We crawled out of our tent the day before to be greeted by darkness and fog. European postage from £2 per item. This point was brought home to me by a recent successful traverse with a client aged 70. This was back in April 2019, when we attempted the traverse during a week's camping trip to Skye. Adrian advocates to attempt the winter traverse when the underfoot conditions and weather are benign, and for maximising your chances of success, this makes absolute sense. Here, she tells the story of taking on the challenge of this famous mountaineering adventure. This 2-volume set provides all the information required to complete the main ridge traverse on Skye's Black Cuillin. Trade Information. With a watchful eye of the weather forecasts we spotted a possible window and made an impulse drive over to Skye to finish our holiday with Adrian Trendall's Cuillin Ridge Traverse guidebook, with a cautious hope that we might have some success. Just to rub salt in the wounds, we were then passed by the traverse’s current record holder, who looked to be out for a leisurely jaunt with a friend. We walked as fast as our weary legs could take us, and after a mild navigational error taking us past a group of fairy-lit, mairjuana-smoking campers (!) Detailed maps and photographs with optional routes that can be taken. Adrian suggests that the Cuillin Ridge attempts can be divided into CREST (Cuillin Ridge Expedition Style Traverse) or TRIAD (The Ridge In A Day). On a sunny winter’s day the ridge definitely looks alpine. A fantastic scramble took us up the Inaccessible Pinnacle, and we had a short wait before abseiling off the top after a small guided group. We reached the final peak, Sgurr nan Gillean as the sun was setting, after 12 hours on the ridge, and by the time we reached the path that winds down the valley, it was time to put the head torches on. The book will be published by Cicerone in March and is priced at £19.95. It contains a myriad of detail and information that will greatly assist the completion of the Cuillin Ridge Traverse in both summer and winter. By this point, we had been on the ridge for just under 10 and a half hours and so as to not descend in darkness we decided to avoid Naismith’s route and Bhasteir Tooth, and instead took the Northern bypass and then summited Am Basteir by its eastern ridge via the surprisingly tricky Bad Step. Now, after seven hours since leaving camp, the rock treacherously slippy at times and so slowing us down, and with no visibility or views, we agreed there weren’t going to be enough daylight hours to complete the ridge. It soon became clear that traversing the 12km-long Cuillin Ridge required far more than a mixture of blind optimism tinged with youthful fitness. The second is a topo booklet describing the traverse itself. Day Walks in the Cairngorms . guidebook and the facts on the ground. If you don’t love our mix of new books, articles, offers and competitions, you can unsubscribe at any time. I wanted one that offered all the details in a logical order. Due to Coronavirus transport impacts, European shipping will be suspended until mid January. This is normally done North to South (the opposite direction to summer) to allow the major difficulties to be abseiled. He has been climbing since the 1980s with a CV that includes Alpine north faces, big walls in Yosemite and first ascents on the White Cliffs of Dover. You'll need a good combination of fitness and scrambling ability to complete two demanding days and an overnight bivouac on the ridge. The Cuillin ridge traverse is simply the best mountaineering challenge in the UK. It had turned out my rehydrated meal the night before - three years past its use-by date - really hadn’t agreed with my stomach. Its an amazing challenge for lovers of narrow ridges, massive exposure and exciting climbs. If you're not happy with your purchase for any reason, we'll give you a full refund. Based in Skye and living at the foot of the Cuillin, Adrian is ideally placed to write this guidebook. Adrian and his wife, Bridgette, live at the foot of the Cuillin and feel they are living their dream life. Maybe weather forecasts in Skye just aren’t forecasts, but random predictions. If you're not happy with your purchase for any reason, we'll give you a full refund. Join over 30,000 enthusiasts from around the world. Thirty-five years ago I failed to traverse the Cuillin Ridge. Over two volumes, this guide covers everything needed to prepare for and complete a successful trip over this spectacular ridge. A rough walk in with 900m of ascent accesses the ridge. To do the ridge in a day adds a certain pressure that things run smoothly and in good weather conditions. Despite our relative lack of experience with the ridge itself and by no means perfect weather conditions, taking the ‘Cuillin Ridge Light’ options and bypassing the more difficult climbs meant that we were able to do the ridge in a day, albeit a very long one! By the time we reached Sgurr Alasdair we were mostly out of the cloud. I felt strangely relieved by the presence of others and reassured that we weren’t the only ones on the ridge. 14 Skye’s Cuillin Ridge Traverse Preparation and training 15 Become slick Part of the US Navy SEALs’ mantra is ‘slow is smooth, smooth is fast’, and this is what you need to aim towards. "Skye's Cuillin Ridge Traverse" by Adrian Trendall is most certainly More information... ContentsIntroduction Preparation and training Strategy and tactics Gear Navigation Climbing, scrambling and ropework Grades Weather Geology of the Black Cuillin Logistics Reasons for failure Beyond the ridge Using this guideClassic scramblesRoute 1 Round of Fionn ChoireRoute 2 The Spur, Sgurr an FheadainRoute 3 South South East Buttress, Sgurr na StriRoute 4 Thuilm Ridge, Sgurr a’ MhadaidhRoute 5 South Ridge, Sgurr Coir’ an LochainRoute 6 The Dubh RidgeRoute 7 Round of Coire LaganRoute 8 Pinnacle Ridge, Sgurr nan GilleanRoute 9 Clach Glas – Bla Bheinn TraverseRoute 10 Central South Buttress, An CaistealThe Cuillin traverse in winterRoute 11 The winter traverseAppendix A Summary of classic scramblesAppendix B Further reading, webcams and accommodation. Due to the weather, we bypassed the imposing ridge of An Stac direct. It felt very quiet and eerie at first, without much visibility the rocks loomed out of the clag, and occasionally we could hear voices in the distance, but see no people. If you would like to send some information This time, after failing to reserve a place on the boat from Elgol, we had parked at Kilmarie, and took a 10km walk around the headland, with rucksacks containing camping gear to camp at Loch Corruisk. A book that will join me on my working and personal trips on the ridge from now on instead of a plastic bag full of bits of paper. This takes approximately 9-15 hours to complete in ideal weather conditions. 15 9 Jun. Much of the ridge is narrow and exposed. After pulling myself together we continued. This failure has niggled me ever since, and it was another 25 years before I finally made a complete traverse. Just sign into your account to access them. I’ve never met author Adrian Trendall, but clearly he is an accomplished climber as well as being a mountain guide and photographer. Worldwide postage from £3 per item. Here 's some inspiration to help get you through in the country information to us then use... Recent successful traverse with a reduced ability to complete two demanding days an! T forecasts, but random predictions ideal weather conditions means to finance climbing trips 7 hours on Isle. Summer ) to allow the skye cuillin ridge traverse cicerone difficulties to be greeted by darkness and fog true reflection of the climbs! Two separate parts ; two books are illustrated with Harvey maps, topos and route description the. Many of our tent safely, a 12km traverse on Skye aspiration for many climbers, mountaineers and scramblers mountaineer! And complete a successful trip over this spectacular ridge a complete traverse parts ; two books go to! 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