Campbell made her initial court appearance before Ravalli County Justice Court Judge Jim Bailey on Monday afternoon. Download civil suit and small claims forms. #1/Recht Ph: 406-802-7188 Dept. Reporter David Erickson can be reached at . Ravalli County Justice Court Judge Jim Bailey has earned a far-flung fan club in recent days for sternly sentencing two Georgia men who abused and starved four horses during a wilderness pack trip last summer. On September 17th 2019 a call was placed to the Ravalli County Sheriff's Office. Nicole Bailey; About Youth Court Under the Montana Youth Court Act, the Youth Court Juvenile Probation is a mandated function of state government directed by the District Court Judge. DECEMBER 29: Hamilton woman facing a … Day was arraigned in Ravalli County Justice Court on Monday afternoon. Ravalli County Justice Court Judge Jim Bailey has earned a far-flung fan club in recent days for sternly sentencing two Georgia men who abused and starved four horses during a Cross-posted from The Missoulian Advocates name horse 'Justice Bailey' after abuse trial By BETSY COHEN Ravalli County Justice Court Judge Jim Bailey has earned a far-flung fan club in recent days for sternly sentencing two Georgia men who abused and starved four horses during a wilderness pack trip last summer. The Ravalli County justice system is corrupt. After their first conviction, Ravalli County Justice of the Peace Jim Bailey sentenced the elder Heydon to 10 months in jail and a fine of $5,850. Judge Jim Bailey set bail at $25,000. Last Friday, the judge handed out harsh sentences on all 21 counts of misdemeanor animal cruelty the men faced. Bill Windsor tries to get Protection from Sean Boushie, 4 years after Crystal Cox tried to get this same protection. Bill Windsor Hamilton Montana, Ravalli County Exposing Justice Court Judge Jim Bailey and District Court Judge James Haynes. Jim Bailey Justice for Ravalli County has been on the bench serving the County Government, not you as taxpayers. Ravalli County District Court 205 Bedford Street Suites A & B Hamilton, MT 59840 Dept. Ravalli County justice: Ray is cool under pressure Oct 7, 2014 Oct 7, 2014; Return to ... She gained experience in Justice Court, administrating Judge Jim Bailey’s court. #2/Lint Ph: 406-802-7192 Fax: 406-802-7199 Judge Lint is ignoring documented evidence of child abuse and not allowing any action to be taken for the children of Ravalli County. We would like a formal investigation to confirm her bias judgements and lack of concern for the welfare of children in Ravalli County. Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about.. Sign In Jim Bailey JP Ravalli County up for election in November 4, 2014 cannot count to six. Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about.. Sign In

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